.. Environment Policy
Agna Logistics seeks excellence in every aspect of our business and is committed to minimising the environmental impacts of our operations through continually evolving processes.
We aim to:
- Continually improve the effectiveness of our environmental management system.
- Consider environmental factors when making planning, purchasing and operating decisions.
- Provide environmental training and education to enable our employees to be environmentally responsible.
- Prevent pollution before it is produced.
- Reduce the amount of waste wherever practicable.
- Use energy efficiently.
- Manage our use of natural resources in an environmentally sensitive manner.
- Work co-operatively with others in pursuit of common environmental objectives.
- Communicate and reinforce this policy throughout the organisation, to our staff, sub-contractors, suppliers and those working for and on behalf of the company.
- Set and progress specific objectives to manage the continual improvement process.
- Review this policy annually and following any significant changes to the business.