Corporate Safety & Security
It is the Company’s aim to achieve a working environment, which is free of work related accidents and ill health and to this end we will pursue continuing improvements from year to year. We undertake to discharge our statutory duties by:
- Identifying workplace hazards, assessing related risks and implementing appropriate preventative and protective measures;
- Providing and maintaining safe work equipment;
- Establishing and enforcing safe methods of work;
- Recruiting skilled, able and competent staff for all roles;
- Ensuring that tasks given to employees are within their skills, knowledge and ability to perform;
- Ensuring that technical competence is maintained through the provision of refresher training as appropriate;
- Promoting awareness of health and safety good practice through the effective communication of relevant information;
- Providing necessary information, training and supervision to staff and others, including temporary staff, to ensure their competence with respect to health and safety;
- Providing a working environment that is safe and without risk to health together with suitable welfare facilities;
- Ensuring the correct use, handling, storage and transport of substances and articles at work that are safe and without risk to health;
- Ensuring that there are arrangements put into place for the effective planning, development and review of this policy statement;
- Ensuring that appropriate systems are developed and maintained for the effective communication of health and safety matters throughout the organisation; Devoting the necessary resources in the form of finance, equipment, personnel and time to ensure health and safety. External expertise will be sought where the necessary skills are not available within the company;
- Liaising and working with all necessary persons to ensure health and safety. The company will also ensure that adequate arrangements are also in place for ensuring the health and safety of visitors;
- Recognising that safety is the responsibility of everyone within the organisation and is not just a function of management.
- Managers will have specific duties and responsibilities to comply with the letter and spirit of company policy.
- Employees will have specific responsibilities to take reasonable care of themselves and others who could be affected by their activities and to co-operate with management in achieving the standards required. The company will ensure that health and safety management is an integral part of the manager’s function and will monitor their performance along with other duties;
- Ensuring that health and safety is fully integrated into the management and decision making processes within the organisation;
- Establishing systems to ensure that accidents and ‘near-misses’ are fully investigated and appropriate action taken to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.
All personnel are advised that it is an offence for any person to recklessly or intentionally interfere with or misuse anything provided in the furtherance of health and safety or welfare. Any such act is a criminal offence that can result in the prosecution of the practice and/or the employee with heavy penalties upon conviction. A copy of this policy has been made available, on request, to all personnel as a reference at the workplace of the practice.
The management of Agna Logistics will provide every employee with the training necessary to carry out their tasks safely. However, if an employee is unsure how to perform a certain task or feels it would be dangerous to perform a specific job then it is their duty to report this to Management as soon as possible. An effective health and safety programme requires continuous communication between workers at all levels. It is therefore every worker’s
responsibility to report immediately any situation, which could jeopardise the wellbeing of himself or herself or any other person.
Activities undertaken by personnel employed by Agna Logistics will be monitored to ensure compliance with recommended safe working practices and relevant health and safety legislation. Competent persons are employed in this business to assist in the management of health and safety and where required, external advisors are engaged to provide competent support to enable the business to fulfil its duties.
All injuries, however small, sustained by staff at work must be reported to Agna Logistics Management. Accident records are crucial to the effective monitoring and revision of the policy and must therefore be accurate and comprehensive. Agna Logistics health and safety policy will be reviewed at least annually and amended as required to take into account new legislation, improved working practices and to monitor its effectiveness ensuring that it reflects changing needs and circumstances and then subsequently brought to the attention of all personnel. All employees on their part are encouraged to contribute actively towards achieving a work environment, which is free of accidents and ill health.