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.. Warehousing

Warehousing is an integrated part of Agna Logistics, including inbound checks, goods receipt and put-away, (bonded) storage, pick & pack and shipping. We provide warehousing as a component of the total supply chain.

We operate multi client warehouses in order to align manufacturers with similar customer channels. By operating this way logistics costs are reduced, overhead cost are shared and opportunities are created for resource sharing.

Besides storage capacity the warehouses also act as cross dock and/or merge in transit center in order to speed up ultimate delivery to your customer in a reliable and cost effective manner.

The Global market is a complex market due to the different languages, cultures rules and regulations. In order to supply your customers with tailored goods we provide value added services like assembly of high-tech equipment, light manufacturing, configuration, kiting, packaging and customer support.

Within our warehouses three types of services are offered to our customers, namely:

Primary warehousing services
  • Receipt of goods including staging & control
  • Stock/inventory control.
  • Consolidation
  • Deconsolidation
  • Immediate and Timed Dispatch
  • Client interfacing
  • (In-Store) Logistics
  • Inspections according to client stated criteria
Value added logistics
  • The whole range of value added logistics activities is offered. Such as:
    • Marking
    • Palletizing
    • Order picking
    • Sorting & Kitting
    • Industrial packaging
    • Repackaging
    • Sampling
    • Labeling
    • Wrapping
Value added services
  • The whole range of value added services is offered. Such as:
    • Invoicing
    • Fiscal representation
    • Customs consultancy
    • Call center services (in partnership)
    • Packing consultancy (in partnership)

All storage activities take place within a bonded warehouse, enabling us to offer you financial benefits (deferment of import duty payments). In addition to storage under bond we also can assist in:

  • fiscal representation
  • inward & outward processing
  • Applying for Drawback , IPR’s,BIS etc.
  • VAT Refunds

Value Added Services

Agna Logistics offers the following value added logistics services, which focus on administrative activities:

  • Import Assistance & representation
  • Customs consultancy
Import assistance and representation:

In order to outsource burden of statutory and documentation requirement more and more companies are making use of this beneficial feature of Import representation. Agna Logistics provides Import representation in full scalem.

Customs consultancy:

Customs Legislation and Procedures is a complex area that can have a significant impact on business practices and operating costs.

Our customs service’s aim at:
  • Identifying the most appropriate Customs Regime to support your business strategy
  • Analyzing your corporate business processes and delivering solutions that ensure measurable and quantifiable reductions to your duty and VAT liability
  • Advising on Import Licenses, classification, valuation, duty reliefs, preferences, end-use etc
  • Ensure a smooth flow of goods without delays
  • Bonded Warehousing solutions to reduce cash flow burden due to VAT & Duty payments
  • Optimize import duty payments
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Value Added Logistics

Agna Logistics offers the following value added logistics services, which focus on physical activities:

  • Build to order
  • Packing
  • Repacking
  • Assembly
Build to Order:

Build to order (BTO) focuses on the transformation of parts into finished products. The production is driven by actual customer orders. The main driver of a BTO process is to accommodate flexible customer orders and requirements with the production runs to optimize allocation of orders to production infrastructure and resources. The finished products are already assigned to customer orders. They will be shipped via fast, but optimized logistics configurations to the final customers.

An inventory point can be located at the start of the manufacturing process. This inventory can be in-house at the manufacturer location or can be located at a vendor hub managed by the supplier or by IJS Global. This inventory is stand-by inventory to facilitate the start of the production run. In most cases these inventory locations are at a strategic location close to the production locations.


Agna Logistics provides a full-scale packing program in order to present your goods to your customers and/or distributors in the best possible way. Our packing services include:

Design of outer/retail packing:

Brand awareness is essential in marketing. The outer of retail packing is an essential part of the decisions making process of the ultimate customer. Society we live in has many languages, cultures and tastes. In order to have a successful launch it is essential to use expertise when designing your outer box.

Sourcing of packing materials:

Agna Logistics is consuming a huge amount of packing materials. By combining the volumes used for our customers we are able to use our purchasing expertise and create economies of scale resulting in lower packing materials costs for our customers.


Often goods are shipped and stored in export cartons. In many cases it is needed to change the packing configuration when the goods are sold in different market. We provide flexible, scalable and cost effective packing services to meet the demands of Target market.

Benefits of Agna Logistics packing services:
  • Creating economies of scale/using our buying power
  • Local sourcing
  • Reduce logistics costs
  • Minimize stock movements
  • Swift reaction to demands from the Global market

Supply Chain Solutions

Due to our global footprint, wide array of services ,Agna Logistics is uniquely positioned to provide end-to-end supply chain solutions.

Next to single modal services we are able to combine modalities, link it to warehousing or cross docking services and ultimately delivers your orders to your customers by road or express.

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Current supply chains consist of a comprehensive network of stakeholders like: suppliers, manufacturing locations, warehouses, carriers and customs. Agna Logistics ensures a smooth integration of all supply chain stakeholders and to provide full transparency of the supply chain. We have the tools available to manage these complex chains: quality systems, KPI’s, account management structures and our control tower.